Sunday, June 10, 2012

Retro Vintage Floral

After much debate... I decided to enter a nail art contest. The contest is being held by ArcadiaNailArt on YouTube. The theme of the contest is Retro/Vintage. This is what scared me a little. I'm not a huge fan of this topic and I'm not very familiar with it. Instead of running for the hills, I decided to challenge myself. So this is what I came up with.

I got my inspiration from THIS pattern that I found on google. There were a couple different categories for the contest, but I entered mine into the "complicated" category. Think I made the right choice? I hope so!

It took me about 25 minutes for just one nail. So these nails took me over an hour to do. It's a good thing I only did one hand! If I did both hands I would have been doing my nails all day. That doesn't sound like a bad idea though. ;)

For these nails I used Sinful Colors Snow Me White as the base color. For the floral pattern I mixed my own colors of acrylic paint using orange, yellow, red, and black. I used a super small paint brush and a dotting tool to do the whole design.

I'm not even going to attempt to explain how I did the pattern. I would suggest just watching my video.

Here is my video entry for the contest.


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