Wednesday, June 6, 2012

CTFxC nails!

CTFxC FTW! Nail Art

About a year ago I completely fell in love with CTFxC or otherwise known as Internet Killed TV or IKT. Charles and Alli are absolutely hilarious! And let's not forget about Zoey and Marley! They are YouTubers and daily vloggers, and I watch them every single day. I enjoy watching them so much that I am actually in the process of watching every vlog from day 1 and I am almost finished. I'm pretty sure I'm in the 800s almost 900s of their videos. Whenever I'm upset or not in a good mood, I immediately turn to my phone to watch them. Charles and Alli always make me laugh and Zoey and Marley always make me go "aweeeeeeeeeeee". I almost die of cuteness. So in honor of CTFxC I did a nail art tutorial of the nails seen above. So I hope you enjoy it. If you're already a CTFxC-er go ahead and give them a try. If you're not, you should probably crawl out from under the rock you've been living in and check them out. I'm sure you'll fall in love with them just like I did. If you're awesome that is. ;)


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