
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Subtle Swirls and Accent Flowers

I could not think of something to do to my nails at all yesterday. When I did finally think of something it turned out awful and I just gave up. I know, I know... Never give up... I figured it was a better idea to give than waste more nail polish than I already had. So I ended up playing around with my polishes, searching through them, and I ended up finding two that work together flawlessly! After finding the perfect duo I decided that I wanted to do some nail art with that color combo as the base. This is what I came up with! It's really simple and subtle. After having something crazy on my nails for over a week, I just wanted something a little easier on the eyes.

The lovely duo that I came up with is Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac and Pure Ice Busted. Busted is a gorgeous shimmer polish that looks purple and pink in the bottle, but when you look at it from the right direction it almost looks gold. Maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks with me, but that's what I see. 

Below is the video swatch of these colors together! It's lovely, see for yourself!

For the delicate swirls I mixed my own color with acrylic paint. I used a lot of white and a few drops of purple. I wanted something extremely similar to the base color so that the pattern would almost melt into my nails. I think it looks pretty good, SUCCESS! I was going to leave it just like that, but I felt that it needed a little extra something. I have had an obsession with flowers and floral print lately, so what better to fuel my obsession than some tiny flowers! I used acrylic paint for those as well. The flowers looked out of place so I added some small dot trails and I think they pulled everything together nicely. Of course, I followed everything up with a good layer of Out The Door.

Want to learn how to do this design yourself? Check out my tutorial below!

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