Sunday, March 16, 2014

Two Tone Banded Nail Art Tutorial Feat. Cult Cosmetics Blackbox + Unboxing & Nail Polish Review

This nail art design was done using only the products from my Cult Cosmetics Blackbox and some scotch tape! I received a Blackbox from Cult Cosmetics to review and I absolutely loved it! You can sign up for your very own Cult Cosmetics Monthly Blackbox Subscription by CLICKING HERE. Not to mention... The polishes are freakin' fantastic! Hands down one of my new favorite polish brands. Make sure you click the read more button so you can see more photos and read more of my opinions about this box and the polishes. 

I think Cult did a great job putting together the Blackbox I received. It came with 3 brushes: a fan brush, and 2 small angled brushes. And it also came with 3 fantastic polishes. Everything was packaged nice and safe in the box and nothing was damaged on it's way to me.

These are the 3 polishes that I received in the box. From left to right: Breakwater, Laguna, Coachella. I didn't get a chance to take photos of these polishes when I had them on so I will be sure to swatch them again and take photos. Breakwater is an awesome true medium purple creme and I must say, it looks absolutely fabulous with my skin tone. Laguna is a reddish coral creme. Coachella is a holographic top coat that is easy to build up so it can be worn on it's own.

This is the nail art design that I came up with using the polishes in this blackbox. I really like it! It's simple yet fun. I used scotch tape to get the clean lines and that's the only thing (besides base and top coat) that I used that wasn't from the box. 

A few people complained about the way I did this design so I'd love to explain why I did it that way. In the video below I did each triangle separately. Many pointed out that I could have simple painted the whole band and then just sectioned off one triangle to paint instead of placing scotch tape over an already painted part of my nail. I didn't want to do this because:

1. I didn't want to overlap the colors. I wanted them to be true to their color. Whenever you overlap polishes of very different color it will completely change them.
2. I didn't want one part of the colored band to be thicker than the other. If I overlapped the colors it would have been uneven.

Maybe I'm just picky, but that's why I did it. It came out much cleaner for me.  

I hope you enjoyed the videos and the photos! I definitely love the Blackbox and I plan on signing up for a subscription as soon as money isn't so tight. I may treat myself to a few Cult Cosmetics polishes though. ;)


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