
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Things Nail Polish Addicts Do Think and Say

Yeah, I totally made a video about this. I hope you all enjoy it, because I sure enjoyed making it and laughed hysterically at myself because I look so crazy. This video was inspired by Andrea PlasmaSpeedo from youtube. You can check out her video by looking in the description of my video. Once I saw her video I absolutely just had to do my own version because I thought it was hilarious and wanted to show what goes through my mind since I am a nail polish addict too. :)


  1. So how many nail polishes do you actually have?? :P

    1. Definitely not 600. I'm actually not even sure how many I have. My nail polish stash tab has a spreadsheet of all the polishes I own, so however many are on there plus a few here and there that I didn't put on. lol. I wish I had over 600 polishes!!

    2. Right!!! I totally forgot about your spreadsheet, I remember now talking to you about it, and drawing my inspiration from it for my blogspot too.. But I hear yea, I wish I had 600.. Although if I continue like I am now, I think ill reach that by January, hahah.

    3. Oh gosh me too! I've been wanted every collection I see lately. My boyfriend keeps buying me nail polish when he finds one that looks cool. lol. He always picks out the best colors.

  2. That's such a cool video. I related to most of it.

    Please visit my nail blog.

  3. Haha this is absolutely AMAZING! You're so hilarious! If I lived in the US probably I would spend my days buying nail polish. Here in Italy we don't have brands such like Orly or China Glaze (and when you find them , they cost A LOT). Thank you for this video, I'm sick today and it made me laugh!
    PS: I mentioned you blog on mine here! ;)
    I love you're blog, I can't stop reading :)

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! :) I'm glad this video could make you laugh. I hope you feel better!!

  4. This is my life! I always say I won't buy any then I always do! I have over 400 bottles and I just got nail mail today with 13 more!

    1. I've actually stopped counting because I'm afraid to know how many I have! haha. I always buy polish when I shouldn't be. Oh well. It's the life of a polish addict.

  5. This is AWESOME! I just found your blog today and am totally stalking, ahem I mean, looking through it all! Love your designs :)

    1. Thank you so much! You can go ahead and stalk my blog as much as you'd like. :)


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